AirDog® Heavy-Duty Fuel Air Separation System

The Technical Research of AirDog® Fuel Air Separation Systems

At PureFlow™ Technologies, Inc., nothing beats the exceptional AirDog® products and accessories that we offer. Numerous universities and private laboratories, including the following, have tested the AirDog® Heavy-Duty fuel air separation system.


HC (Hydro Carbons) Reduced
“Snap Idle” Opacity down by 29% to 87.9%

California Air Resources Board SAE-J1667 Stack Test
Opacity Reduced 48.9% on Perkins 210 diesel engine in 2002 Demag Crane
With Stock Fuel System, Opacity 3 snap average was 38.9%, with the AirDog®, it was 20.3%

Total DPM (Diesel Particulate Matter)
Reduced by 8.57%
NOX Reduced by 31%
CO Reduced by 82.7%


Fuel Air Separation Tested and Confirmed: by University of Illinois College of Engineering

Increased Power Output Confirmed
through ISO 8178 8 Mode Testing by University of West Virginia
Torque Rise; Off-Idle Increased by 106%, & Peak Torque by 6%
Olsen Ecological Lab (CARB & EPA Certified Lab) under ISO 8178 8 Mode Test Criterion

Improved Military HMMWV “Hummer” Performance Confirmed: by University of Missouri-Rolla Testing with the AirDog®


On a Freightliner with Cummins N14 engine

  • Fuel Consumption was reduced by 0.8 mpg
  • Increased torque range of engine resulted in improved trip distance at max speed of 5.39%. This increased driver efficiency (reduced trip drive time) by increasing average drive speed from 48.56 mph to 52.23 mph. Net driving time saved on trip of 9,522.5 miles was 13.79 hours. Equating to 720 additional revenue miles driven without increasing hours on the driver’s log.
  • The test truck had 208,794 miles on its odometer. If the AirDog® had been installed on the tractor from its original service date, a reduction of 302.1 log hours of driving time could have been attained, or an additional 15,778 revenue miles could have been achieved, assuming an average speed of 52.23 mph.

Explore AirDog® Products and BullSnot Accessories for Big Rig Cab Comfort and Diesel Truck Maintenance!

Olsen Ecological Lab | Fullerton, CA Download Vinyard Report Download Olsen Eco-Logic Test

Japanese Ministry of Transportation | Tokyo View Report