• Diesel Truck

Choosing the Right AirDog Fuel Filters for Your Diesel Tank

April 16, 2024|

One of the things that makes AirDog fuel filtration systems so effective is that they are customized for specific applications. It’s important to select the right filters for your specific diesel engine, whether you are operating a commercial heavy truck or a pickup truck. We make it easy to identify the correct fuel filters for your vehicle so there is no question about which is right for your needs. We [...]

  • A,large,semi,trailer,rig,hauls,a,load,from,california

The Impact of AirDog on Fuel Efficiency: Understanding the Variables

April 4, 2024|

One question we get asked a lot concerns the impact of AirDog on fuel efficiency. The way that AirDog improves the fuel delivery process to the engine, including providing cleaner, air-free fuel, and maintaining optimal pressure to the fuel injectors, is going to result in improved diesel fuel efficiency in a heavy-duty engine. But the question is, how much? That’s a surprisingly complicated question. We generally can say that operators [...]

  • Fuel System Integrity: Keeping Air Out of Heavy Diesel Engines

Fuel System Integrity: Keeping Air Out of Heavy Diesel Engines

March 26, 2024|

The diesel engines found in heavy-duty trucks can seem bulletproof. It’s true, they are tough and durable. But they are not invincible. Some things—like air in the fuel system—can cause serious problems that you want to avoid as much as possible. Air in the fuel line symptoms can include difficulty starting, reduced power, and even failing to start at all. And the unfortunate reality is that you can’t completely keep [...]

  • How To Prime An Airdog Fuel System The Right Way

How to Prime an AirDog Fuel System the Right Way

March 12, 2024|

AirDog fuel filtration systems are one of the best tools available to ensure only clean, air and moisture-free diesel makes its way into your engines. The benefits these systems offer in terms of protecting engine parts, limiting wear on emissions components, and improving fuel economy, make AirDog the obvious choice for diesel fuel filtration. Of course, for AirDog to function properly you have to change the filters every so often. [...]

  • bleed air from your diesel engine's fuel system learn more from air dog diesel

How to Bleed Air Out of a Diesel Fuel System in 7 Steps

January 18, 2024|

Diesel engines can run in extreme conditions, but one thing they do not like is air in their fuel systems. Air in the fuel system can delay or prevent the diesel fuel from reaching the injectors, making your engine difficult to start, reducing the engine’s power, or, in severe cases, causing the inability to start the engine. Air can enter your diesel engine’s fuel system in several ways, most commonly [...]

  • Do Airdog Fuel Systems Add Horsepower

Do AirDog Fuel Systems Add Horsepower?

January 10, 2024|

When it comes to enhancing the performance of your diesel engine, few components offer as many benefits as AirDog Fuel Systems. Not only do they improve fuel efficiency and acceleration, but they also reduce engine wear and tear and exhaust emissions. Still, the question remains: Can AirDog Fuel Systems do all that and add horsepower? Thankfully, for heavy-duty truck owners, the answer is an unqualified "Yes." Follow along below, and [...]

  • person checking airlock symptoms on diesel truck

Signs of Air in Your Diesel Fuel and Airlock Symptoms

December 22, 2023|

If you own or operate a heavy truck, you know your engine must run smoothly and efficiently. However, an issue that disrupts the smooth operation of many engines is the presence of air in the fuel line, which causes several problems, including a condition known as an airlock.  To help you avoid this problem, we will review the signs you have air in your diesel fuel lines and the problems [...]

  • Fpii 150 With Ws200 Hs

Are AirDog Fuel Systems Worth The Price?

December 7, 2023|

It makes sense to optimize the performance of your truck or fleet, and there are many opportunities to do so. However, fuel is responsible for up to 40% of fleet operating costs, while maintenance and repair costs often account for another 10%, resulting in fleets and independent truckers alike looking for ways to contain those costs. One of their often-overlooked opportunities is the truck's fuel filtration system, which is crucial [...]

  • diesel fuel filter in front of calendar

When to Replace Your Diesel Fuel Filter

November 28, 2023|

The performance of a heavy-duty truck depends on the quality of the diesel fuel delivered to its engine, and a critical component in ensuring fuel quality is the fuel filter. Optimal filtering performance comes from a high-quality fuel filter that matches the engine specifications and gets replaced as needed. Fuel filters have a limited lifespan, so it is essential to know when to replace your diesel fuel filter to obtain [...]

  • Airdogs goal is to keep water and other materials form entering the fuel tank resulting in longevity

How Water Gets into Diesel Fuel and How to Remove It

October 30, 2023|

Diesel fuel is the lifeblood of heavy-duty trucks and critical engine components. Ensuring its purity and efficiency is essential for smooth engine operation and longevity. One often overlooked issue that can compromise diesel fuel quality is water contamination. Water in diesel fuel can result in rust particles entering the fuel, promote the growth of bacteria and microorganisms, and, more directly, cause premature wear and corrosion in fuel injectors and other [...]